Monday, January 17, 2011

In Viterbo

Right outside my door the town alive.

From the roof of my friends apartment.

As I have said before the internet is very hard to come by around Viterbo and the internet that you can find is not very good.  I took these photos last week and have been trying ever since to post them so here they are.  Viterbo is just more amazing by the day.  Every day while walking around I see new things.  I am just mostly focusing on what the light provides for me and that is difficult for around here the streets are very narrow and dark even during the day but at sunset when I took these the light is abosolutely amazing.  Classes are alright havent really started the normal routine yet but definately looking forward to that classes should be fun.  Went to Rome this past saturday so I will try to get those pics up asap.  And also will post a story about my sunday evening when I went to a small town outside Viterbo for a massive bonfire celebration.  

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