Monday, January 31, 2011


The Hostel we stayed in was great it was like nice hotel with a pool, sauna, rooftop terrace, bar downstairs, it definitely set a very high standard for my first time in a hostel.

Approaching Il Duomo.

Just wow! The Duomo is absolutely amazing the colored stone and the massive scale just erupts out of the winding narrow streets of Florence.

The competition doors of Brunelleschi and Ghiberti.

Stairs at the Hostel to the roof.

From the top of the hostel the view was amazing and I was one of two other people in our group to make it up there.

The street lights are really cool with anthropomorphic support legs.

Ponte Vecchio.

Santa Croce inside the tombs of Dante, Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Galleleio and many more lay.

The piazza surrounding Santa Croce.

The Arno near sunset.

Chimney smoke and vespa blur.

Across the street from the Uffizi Museum.  The Uffizi houses numerous famous paintings.  My favorites there were Venus:Botticelli, Adoration of the Magi(unfinished):Da Vinci, Medusa: Carvaggio, and Decapitation of Holofernese: Gentileschi 
This guy just owned the place.

Beat at this point. Working on 8 hours of sleep in the whole weekend, this is sunday at 5 and I was dirty greasy tired exhausted worn out feet but so happy.  Florence was a great time.  We were able to meet Sean Sullivan there who showed us a great time.  The previous night Sean's tour company put on a pub crawl and we showed up and there was a crowd of over a hundred other american students there and the deal was 11 euro and the first bar was 2 hours all you could drink heineken on tap or sex on the beach.  Obviously I drank my fair share (heineken of course) and worth within the first half hour.  After that we went to two or three more bars and got free shots there.  However the rest of the night remains somewhat cloudy in my memory.  From what I recall got lost walking around for about an hour than found duomo and sat in amazement for an hour at like 4 in the morning.  It was a great time and I will definitely have to return.

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