Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Southern Italy

Last week we did a group travel to southern Italy.  We spent one day in Naples, stayed in Sorrento, did a day at Pompei, hiked the top part of Mt. Vesuvius, spent a free day on the island of Capri, a day in Amalfi, and a day at Caserta a massive palace.
Naples was the worst place ive been in all of Italy.  It was a landfill, the streets were covered in trash as well as heaps of trash piled everywhere, the buildings were old and decrepid, it smell like urine, there were more street hustlers than ive ever seen, and the view of the sea was blocked by storage containers and large boats. I felt unsafe there for the first time here and didnt really want to take my camera out.  We did however have some good thick crust pizza and the hottest cup of coffe in the world.  I wouldnt recommend Naples to anyone though. Just head south to nicer places.

More stories coming soon.

Enjoy the photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/59481748@N03/

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