Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bracciano and Field trip for Studio Art

Link Above for photos from Bracciano where there was a late 14th century castle and Lake Bracciano.  It was beautiful there we also saw two brand new red Ferraris race by while we were walking along the white line on the road absolutely amazing only in Italy.  The second set of pics are from a small town about 45 minutes away where we went for our studio art class.  The castle was once a getaway for the pope and across the square from the castle was a church were we were able to go down into the crypts and walk around the tunnels that connected the castle to the church and also provided a way out of town.  The whole experience inside that castle and inside the crypts had a very uncomfortable feeling.  There were lots of bones under the church and just a very eerie feel.  I was happy to get out of that church and town but luckily on the way out a stop at the pasticeria eased me out.

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